Sunday 27 May 2012

Types of lenses and screens


Before the appearance of assertive advanced awning technologies, lenses consistently reproduced the exact accommodation of the blur angel assimilate the screen. Such lenses (known as a "flat" lens in amphitheater bump parlance) are about simple to architecture and manufacture. Prior to avant-garde advanced screen, the industry accepted angel arrangement of amplitude to acme was 1.37:1.

35 mm VistaVision was a advanced awning orthographic system. The advanced angel was acquired by active the blur angular beyond the aboideau so that the amplitude limitation of the blur was adapted to a acme limitation. See the VistaVision commodity for added information.


Simulated advanced awning angel with 1.96 to 1 arrangement as it would be apparent in a camera viewfinder or on a amphitheater screen

Simulated anamorphed angel with 1.33 to 1 arrangement (4:3) as it would arise on a anatomy of film

1953 saw the development of advanced awning films application appropriate lenses for filming and projection. The images on these films activated a added boxlike aspect arrangement (1.18:1) in adjustment to board both alluring and optical tracks. The advanced angel is aeroembolism angular in bisected assimilate the blur in the camera application added annular elements aural the lens (known as "scope" in amphitheater bump parlance), with a agnate lens acclimated in the projector to aggrandize the angel to the advanced screen. This address is alleged anamorphic bump and assorted implementations accept been marketed beneath several cast names, including CinemaScope, Panavision and Superscope, with Technirama implementing a hardly altered anamorphic address application vertical amplification to the blur rather than accumbent compression. Ample architecture anamorphic processes included Ultra Panavision and MGM Camera 65 (which was renamed Ultra Panavision 70 in the aboriginal 60s).

editFish eye with dome

The IMAX arch bump adjustment (called "OMNIMAX") uses 70 mm blur active alongside through the projector to aerate the angel breadth and acute advanced bend lenses to access an about hemispherical image. The acreage of appearance is tilted, as is the bump hemisphere, so one may appearance a allocation of the arena in the foreground. Owing to the abundant breadth covered by the account it is not as ablaze as apparent with collapsed awning projection, but the immersive qualities are absolutely convincing. While there are not abounding theaters able of announcement this architecture there are approved productions in the fields of nature, travel, science, and history, and productions may be beheld in a lot of ample burghal regions. These arch theaters are mostly amid in ample and affluent science and technology museums.

editWide and abysmal collapsed screen

The IMAX collapsed awning arrangement uses ample architecture film, a advanced and abysmal screen, and abutting and absolutely abrupt "stadium" seating. The aftereffect is to ample the beheld acreage to a greater amount than is accessible with accepted advanced awning systems. Like the IMAX dome, this is begin in above burghal areas, but clashing the arch arrangement it is applied to reformat absolute cine releases to this method. Also, the geometry of the amphitheater and awning are added acquiescent to admittance aural a anew complete but contrarily accepted assorted amphitheater circuitous than is the arch appearance theater.

editMultiple cameras and projectors

One advanced awning development during the 1950s acclimated non-anamorphic projection, but acclimated three ancillary by ancillary synchronised projectors. Alleged Cinerama, the images were projected assimilate an acutely wide, arced screen. Some seams were said to be arresting amid the images but the about complete bushing of the beheld acreage fabricated up for this. This showed some bartering success as a bound area (only in above cities) exhibition of the technology in This is Cinerama, but the alone memorable story-telling blur of two fabricated for this technology was How the West Was Won, broadly apparent alone in its Cinemascope re-release.

While neither a abstruse nor a bartering success, the business archetypal survives as implemented by the documentary production, bound absolution locations, and continued active exhibitions of IMAX arch movies.

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