Sunday 27 May 2012


Regardless of the complete format, any complete represented on the blur angel itself will not be the complete for the accurate anatomy it occupies. In the aboideau of the projector head, there is no amplitude for a reader, and the blur is not travelling calmly at the aboideau position. Consequently, all optical complete formats accept to be account from the angel because the complete clairvoyant is usually amid aloft (for alluring readers) or beneath (for optical readers) the projector head.

See the 35 mm blur commodity for added advice on both agenda and analog methods.

editAnalog Optical Sound

Optical complete constitutes the recording and account of amplitude based on the bulk of ablaze that is projected through a soundtrack breadth on a blur application an anecdotic ablaze or laser and a photocell or photodiode. As the photocell picks up the ablaze in capricious intensities, the electricity produced is agitated by an amplifier, which in about-face admiral a loudspeaker, breadth the electrical impulses are angry into air accordance and thus, complete waves. In 16 mm, this optical soundtrack is a individual address clue placed on the appropriate ancillary of the projected image, and the complete arch is 26 frames afterwards the gate. In 35 mm, this can be address or stereo, on the larboard ancillary of the projected image, with the complete arch 21 frames afterwards the aboideau .2

The aboriginal anatomy of optical complete was represented by accumbent bands of bright (white) and solid (black) area. The amplitude amid solid credibility represented amplitude and was best up by the photo-electric corpuscle on the added ancillary of a steady, attenuate axle of ablaze getting shined through it. This capricious body anatomy of complete was eventually phased out because of its abhorrence with blush stocks. The another and ultimately the almsman of capricious body has been the capricious breadth track, in which a clear, vertical waveform adjoin atramentous represents the sound, and the amplitude of the waveform is agnate to the amplitude. Capricious breadth does accept hardly beneath abundance acknowledgment than capricious density, but because of the atom and capricious bittersweet assimilation of assorted blur stocks, capricious body had a lower signal-to-noise ratio.

Optical stereo is recorded and apprehend through a mutual capricious breadth track, recorded application Dolby Stereo cast encoding and Dolby babble reduction. Left, center, appropriate and beleaguer channels are matrix-encoded into these two tracks.

In the 1970s and aboriginal 1980s, optical complete Super-8 mm copies were produced mainly for airline in-flight movies. Even admitting technology was anon fabricated anachronistic by video equipment, the majority of small-gauge films acclimated alluring complete rather than optical complete for a college abundance range.

editMagnetic sound

Magnetic complete is no best acclimated in bartering cinema, but amid 1952 and the aboriginal 1990s it provided the accomplished allegiance complete from blur because of its added abundance ambit and aloft arresting to babble arrangement compared to optical sound. There are two forms of alluring complete in affiliation with projection: double-head and striped.

The aboriginal anatomy of alluring complete was the double-head system, in which the cine projector was interlocked with a dubber arena a 35 mm reel of a full-coat, or blur absolutely coated with alluring iron-oxide. This was alien in 1952 with Cinerama, captivation six advance of stereophonic sound. Stereophonic releases throughout 1953 aswell acclimated an interlocked full-coat for three-channel stereophonic sound.

In interlock, aback the complete is on a abstracted reel, it does not charge to be account from the image. Today, this arrangement is usually acclimated alone for absolute low-budget or apprentice productions, or for screening asperous cuts of films afore the conception of a final affiliated print. Sync amid the two reels is arrested with SMPTE leader, aswell accepted as admission leader. If the two reels are synced, there should be one anatomy of "beep" complete absolutely on the "2" anatomy of the admission - 2 abnormal or 48 frames afore the account start.

Striped alluring blur is motion account blur in which 'stripes' of alluring oxide are placed on the blur amid the sprocket holes and the bend of the film, and sometimes aswell amid the sprocket holes and the image. Anniversary of these stripes has one approach of the audio recorded on it. This address was aboriginal alien in September, 1953 by Hazard E. Reeves for Cinemascope. Four advance are present on the film: Left, Center, Appropriate and Surround. This 35mm four-track alluring complete architecture was acclimated from 1954 through 1982 for "roadshow" screenings of big-budget affection films.

70 mm, which had no optical sound, acclimated the 5 millimeters acquired amid the 65 mm abrogating and the final absolution book to abode three alluring advance alfresco of the perforations on anniversary ancillary of the blur for a absolute of six tracks. Until the addition of agenda sound, it was adequately accepted for 35 mm films to be destroyed up to 70 mm generally just to yield advantage of the greater amount of complete advance and the allegiance of the audio.

Although alluring audio was of accomplished superior it aswell had cogent disadvantages. Alluring complete prints were expensive, 35mm alluring prints amount almost alert as abundant as optical complete prints, whilst 70mm prints could amount up to 15 times as much. Furthermore they wore out faster and were aswell decumbent to accident and abandoning over time. Because of the top amount of installing alluring complete reproduction accessories alone a boyhood of cine theaters anytime installed it and the alluring soundheads bare ample aliment to accumulate their achievement up to standard. As a aftereffect the use of the Cinemascope 35mm four-track alluring complete architecture decreased decidedly during the advance of the 1960s and finer concluded with the success of the Dolby Stereo optical stereo architecture in the backward 1970s. However 70mm blur connected to be acclimated for celebrated "roadshow" screenings until the addition of agenda complete on 35mm blur in the aboriginal 1990s removed one of the aloft justifications for application this big-ticket format.

On assertive stocks of Super 8 and 16 mm an iron-oxide complete recording band was added for the absolute ancillary recording of complete which could again be played by projectors with a alluring complete head. It has aback been discontinued by Kodak on both gauges.


Modern affected systems use optical representations of digitally encoded multi-channel sound. An advantage of agenda systems is that the account amid the complete and account active can be assorted and again set with the agenda processors. Agenda complete active are usually aloft the gate. All agenda complete systems currently in use accept the adeptness to instantly and alluringly abatement aback to the analog optical complete arrangement should the agenda abstracts be base or the accomplished arrangement fail.

editCinema Agenda Complete (CDS)

Main article: Cinema Agenda Sound

Created by Kodak and ORC (Optical Radiation Corporation), Cinema Agenda Complete was the aboriginal attack to accompany multi-channel agenda complete to first-run theaters. CDS was accessible on both 35 mm and 70 mm films. Blur prints able with CDS did not accept the accepted analog optical or alluring soundtracks to serve as a aback in case the agenda complete was unreadable. Another disadvantage of not accepting an analog aback clue is that CDS appropriate added blur prints be fabricated for the theaters able to play CDS. The three formats that followed, Dolby Digital, DTS and SDDS, can co-exist with anniversary added and the analog optical soundtrack on a individual adaptation of the blur print. This agency that a blur book accustomed all three of these formats (and the analog optical format, usually Dolby SR) can be played in whichever architecture the amphitheater is able to handle. CDS did not accomplish boundless use and ultimately failed. It premiered with the blur Dick Tracy and was acclimated with several added films, such as Days of Thunder and Terminator 2: Judgement Day.

editSony Dynamic Agenda Complete (SDDS)

Main article: Sony Dynamic Agenda Sound

SDDS runs on the alfresco of 35 mm film, amid the perforations and the edges, on both edges of the film. It was the aboriginal agenda arrangement that could handle up to eight channels of sound. The added two advance are for an added brace of awning channels (Left Centermost and Appropriate Center) amid amid the 3 approved awning channels (Left, Centermost and Right). A brace of CCDs amid in a assemblage aloft the projector reads the two SDDS tracks. The advice is decoded and decompressed afore getting anesthetized forth to the cinema complete processor. By default, SDDS units use an onboard Sony Cinema Complete Processor, and if the arrangement is set up in this manner, the theatre's absolute complete arrangement can be alike in the agenda domain. The audio abstracts in an SDDS clue is aeroembolism in the 20-bit ATRAC2 compression arrangement at a arrangement of about 4.5:1. SDDS premiered with the blur Last Action Hero. SDDS was the atomic commercially acknowledged of the three aggressive agenda complete systems for 35mm film. Sony accomplished the auction of SDDS processors in 2001-2002.

editDolby Digital

Main article: Dolby Digital

Dolby Agenda abstracts is printed in the spaces amid the perforations on the soundtrack ancillary of the film, 26 frames afore the picture. Absolution prints with Dolby Agenda consistently cover an analog Dolby Stereo soundtrack with Dolby SR babble reduction, appropriately these prints are accepted as Dolby SR-D prints. Dolby Agenda produces 6 detached channels. In a alternative alleged SR-D EX, the larboard and appropriate beleaguer channels can be dematrixed into left, right, and aback surround, application a cast arrangement agnate to Dolby Pro Logic. The audio abstracts in a Dolby Agenda clue is aeroembolism in the 16-bit AC-3 compression arrangement at a arrangement of about 12:1. The images amid anniversary breach are apprehend by a CCD amid either aloft the projector or in the approved analog complete arch beneath the blur gate, a agenda adjournment aural the processor acceptance absolute lip-sync to be accomplished behindhand of the position of the clairvoyant about to the account gate. The advice is again decoded, decompressed, and adapted to analog; this can appear either in a abstracted Dolby Agenda processor that feeds signals to the cinema complete processor, or agenda adaptation can be congenital into the cinema processor.

In 2006 Dolby discontinued the auction of their alien SR-D processor (the DA20), but included Dolby Agenda adaptation in their CP500 and after CP650 cinema processors.

A customer adaptation of Dolby Agenda is aswell acclimated on a lot of DVDs, generally at college abstracts ante than the aboriginal film. A bit for bit adaptation is acclimated on Blu-ray discs alleged Dolby TrueHD. Dolby Agenda clearly premiered with the blur Batman Returns, but it was beforehand activated at some screenings of Star Trek: The Undiscovered Country.

editDigital Amphitheater Systems (DTS)

Main article: Agenda Amphitheater System

DTS in fact food the complete advice on abstracted CD-ROMs supplied with the film. The CDs are fed into a appropriate adapted computer which syncs up with the blur through the use of DTS time code, decompresses the sound, and passes it through to a accepted cinema processor. The time cipher is placed amid the optical complete advance and the absolute picture, and is apprehend by an optical LED advanced of the gate. The time cipher is in fact the alone complete arrangement which is not account aural the blur from the picture, but still needs to be physically set account advanced of the aboideau in adjustment to advance connected motion. Anniversary disc can authority hardly over 90 account of sound, so best films will crave a additional disc. Three types of DTS complete exist: DTS-ES (Extended Surround), an 8 approach agenda system; DTS-6, a 6 clue agenda system, and a now-obsolete 4 approach system. DTS-ES derives a aback beleaguer approach from the larboard beleaguer and appropriate beleaguer channels application Dolby Pro Logic. The audio abstracts in a DTS clue is aeroembolism in the 20-bit APTX-100 compression arrangement at a arrangement of about 4.5:1. Of the three agenda formats currently in use, DTS is the alone one that has been acclimated with 70 mm presentations. DTS was premiered on Jurassic Park. Datasat Agenda Entertainment, client of DTS's cinema analysis in May 2008, now distributes Datasat Agenda Complete to able cinemas worldwide. A customer adaptation of DTS is accessible on some DVDs. A bit for bit adaptation of the DTS soundtrack is on Blu-ray discs alleged DTS-MA (DTS Master Audio).

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